Product Description
Are you ready to call out your family at ame niht? Our Family Is So Weird will have you cast your vote on hilarious prompts like who in your family #73 has no filter or #60 could fall asp anywhere HOW TO PLAY: ather at least 3 family members. Younest person is the jude first drawin a card and readin it aloud. Everyone writes down their vote on who should et the card. Votes are reveal and player with the most votes ets the card. The jude decides who ets the card if there’s a . Sharin stories to explain your vote is encoura. Round ends when a player reaches 7 cards.

What is this? Find out how weird your family really is at ame niht. Spend an evenin toether and cast your vote on who is notorious for #60 Fallin asp anywhere or #73 Havin no filter. Share stories as evidence for why you vot for someone in the roup.
How To Play:

Family ame Niht? et the family toether and let the younest o first.
Cast Your Votes Read a card and cast your vote on who is the most notorious person that fits the description.
Share Stories Reveal who you vot for! Share hilarious stories that support why they deserve the card.
Let's Play