CPSIA Tracking Label
Party Card Game
Recommended Age
12 Years Above
Quantity per Pack
Country Of Origin
United States
UNFORGETTABLE PARTY GAME FOR Couples: This drinking card game that will ensure that your parties are ones to remember — complete with wild questions, dares, and challenges. Whether you use it as an icebreaker for college sorority parties or to pregame with old buddies, you laugh and let loose!
STAY UP ALL NIGHT: Up your entertainment game! Relive funny moments and make new memories while making your parties even more entertaining. Get your drink in order and add a splash of humor to your next party!
HOW TO PLAY: Shuffle the cards, place them face down, pick a person to start, they pick a card and answer the question or do the challenge. The person to their left goes next and so forth. The fun continues until the cards run out! If you want to keep the fun going, just reshuffle and play again.